mercredi 17 mars 2010

My Love Belongs to Only ONE Author

I'm on this quest to read all of Kurt Vonnegut's writings. Crawling upstairs into bed and reading a bit of this great satirical author's writing is something I look forward to every night. He's funny and brilliant.

So far I've accomplished only 3 of his 15+ books.

Slaughterhouse Five was the book I read at Mary Louis that had me head over heels forever. I laughed, I cried (well, maybe not).
I definitely laughed to tears at Vonnegut's brilliantly simple drawings in Breakfast of Champions.A futuristic look from afar on the relationship between humans and the universe. As Esquire reviewed it, "...He dares not only to ask the ultimate question about the meaning of life, but to answer it." My favorite so far.Now I'm onto this one, supposedly the closest Vonnegut ever comes to a memoir.:On another note, my allergies are flaring up in the mornings, which means....Spring is finally rolling around!! I feel like a whole different girl under sun and warm weather.

Thesis is due in exactly 3 weeks!

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