lundi 17 août 2009

The Most Loving Shelter

The past weeks have been difficult. My hopes are that the coming academic year will bring about lots of change as well as a fresh start--that's all I want really.

Work, however, has been really great. Despite work being physically- and mentally- (at times emotionally-) draining, I really enjoy working with such a fun-loving and talented group of people. The collection is coming along (slowly but surely) quite beautifully. It's the reason behind the lack of updates and progress on designing my senior thesis.

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to get away to Shelter Island for my last(?) vacation before school. There's a trip booked for Vegas on September 12th with Nat and Natasha. After all the stupidness I've had to deal with last week, spending the weekend with the loving delicious babiez was really exactly what my broken spirits needed.

The weather was perfect, the beach was perfect, everything was perfect.

We jumped on the new trampoline (Frankie took these!):
Frankie did some tumbles:Went to the beach of course:Maybe I spent too much time in the sun because I feel so tired and my brain is like, not functioning.

Time to get crackin' on homework because school starts in 2 weeks!!!!!

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